New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year! 2021 is finally over, and for most that calls for a giant sigh of relief. We have all had a crazy year (or two), so congratulations on another year of successes, learning opportunities and improvements, for you and your business! 

January is the perfect time to reflect and focus on what will make 2022 your year to shine. That could mean focusing on personal goals like pursuing a passion, building better work habits, or getting in shape. But this is also a time to create new goals for your business. In the world of marketing, things change rapidly and often. It can be daunting trying to keep up with the latest marketing trends, but that’s where we come in! 

We’re here to help guide you through today’s competitive digital world by offering three business marketing goals you should consider for 2022: 

  1. Incorporate user-generated content into your social media plan: User-generated content (UGC) remains at the top of the list for social media tactics. If no other reason than the fact that people liked to be heard and recognized, especially by a business they follow. Creating a plan for acquiring and sharing UGC has many benefits. Not only does it make content gathering easier, it’s also one of the best ways to let your customers know that their experiences with your business matter. Additionally, by collaborating with your loyal fanbase, UGC makes your business more relatable.

  2. Learn About Algorithms: All of the content you see has been customized to improve your user experience. To stay relevant to your target audience, things like boosted posts, Google search optimization, and even email marketing are so important. For example, Google’s latest algorithm update is causing an increase in no-click or zero-click searches. Fewer people click links on search engine results pages to get the answers they need. All of this leads to the need to improve your knowledge of digital marketing algorithms. 

  3. Craft More Video Content: Tiktok, Facebook Watch, and Instagram Reels have changed the rate at which people consume content. Consequently, there has been a higher rate of engagement for videos, aka the king of content! But in 2022 prepare to keep your videos short and sweet. This trend in short videos is likely to stick as more brands publish content and compete for the share of attention. 

If you are interested in chatting with us about your marketing goals, let us know. We would love the opportunity to help!


Social Media Overload!


Happy Holidays!