Community Builds Brands

The Cambium team at The Big Stomp, a festival that is changing the way mental health is communicated while fostering an environment of openness and fearlessness.

Digital marketing strategies, like social media, can be effective for reaching hyper-local audiences. Technology allows us to target audiences based on personal demographics and online behavior. While digital marketing can also be one of the most cost-efficient marketing strategies, it's not where real connections are made.

Consumers, specifically families with children, spend a great deal of time in the communities where they live. That, coupled with the fact that buying behaviors are changing, proves that brands must adjust their marketing plan to include more community-based techniques if you want to build brand loyalty.

Now more than ever, people want to support brands whose values match their own. They care about how you do business, how it impacts the local community, and, how you treat your employees. Search for opportunities to integrate your brand into the communities where you want to build a stronger customer base.

You don’t have to make a grand showing in order to showcase your business' values, but it's not enough to simply exist. You need to integrate yourself and your business into your community to really earn their loyalty. Try hosting a community event, contribute to fundraisers, sponsor local charity events, or offer your services to nonprofits and community organizations pro-bono or at a reduced rate. Anything that associates your brand with making a positive impact proves to consumers that you are dedicated to the community, and not just interested in selling something to them.

We're big on community at Cambium. If you're interested in discussing how we can help increase your brand loyalty, click here.


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